Tips for growing on Twitter in 2022

27 April 2022

Twitter has been with us for a few years now and is still one of the most popular social media platforms. In other words, you still have time to succeed in this social network. So, how can you grow on Twitter?

If you are just staring or feel stuck on this network, you’ll find some valuable tips to maximize the potential of your profile. 

How to grow on Twitter

Let’s making something clear first, there is no magic formula to skyrocket your account.

Our advice is that you work and invest some time in your Twitter profile, and the results will come.

We have put together some tips for Twitter engagement that you should try to help grow your Twitter account. After you’ve tried some of these, share your experience with us in the comments. 

#1 Share exciting and valuable content

Sharing valuable content might sound obvious. However, the truth is that we often want to get quick results and reach more people and think that sharing any content to keep the profile active can be beneficial. This is far from the truth. 

The key is to share content that really gives value to your target audience to stand out from the noise. That will raise the interest of your audience and encourage users to visit your account and hit the ‘Follow’ button.

#2 Interact with users

One of the pillars of social media is interaction. Ensuring that each user is part of a community, it’s time to work and interact with Twitter users. 

Participate in conversations, respond to mentions, hit the like button, and retweet. Everything adds up to keep your account and community alive on the social network. Users will want to participate and be part of an account that constantly interacts and is active.

#3 Take advantage of all the features

From the first draft of Twitter, probably only the brand logo remains. Over the years, the social network has evolved and added many features to create new content.

We advise you, without fear, to try everything that Twitter offers you, the audio rooms as a podcast, the communities, the highlights, and the informative bulletins.

The more “sugar” your content has, the “sweeter” and more attractive it will be.

#4 Share media content

Twitter allows almost all available media options: gifs, videos, and photos are the order of the day.

Take advantage of these options to accompany your tweets and generate interactions. They can be used to record a video giving an opinion, share a photo gallery, or react to tweets with a gif, the animated image to give your content a casual tone.

In addition, in the tweets that include photos, you can add the ALT or alternative text so that users with vision problems can access your content, which they will thank you for.

#5 Consistent posting frequency

How long has it taken you to leave or distrust a Twitter profile that had been a couple of weeks without posting any type of content?

Maintaining a posting frequency will help users trust and follow your account and stay tuned to your content.

It is not necessary to always share content at the same time and day of the week, like on YouTube, but it is essential to keep the content of your account active. It will be a true reflection of your business.

#6 Schedule Content

Maintaining a consistent posting frequency is not easy as you have to focus on other tasks too, and many things can happen during your day. 

For this reason, the sixth tip is that you plan and program your content on Twitter with Metricool. In this way, you will leave all your content prepared ahead of time. You can dedicate one afternoon to do it, and the tool will be in charge of publishing your content while you focus on other important tasks. 

In addition, with Metricool, you can identify the best times to post to maximize your content’s reach. 

how to grow on twitter: plan your content with metricool
Best time to publish on Twitter with Metricool

#7 Analyze your account’s performance

This applies to all social media platforms:.If you do not measure the results of your strategy, how will you know if you are going in the right direction?

Analyze and measure the performance of your content and your account. This will help you make the right decisions about your strategy, whether to continue on the same line or make a 180º turn to succeed.

On Twitter, you will find a lot of information about the analytics of your tweets. And if you want more information, at Metricool, you have the most relevant metrics of your Twitter profile to manage everything from the same platform.

how to grow on Twitter: twitter analytics
Twitter Analytics

#8 Use Twitter Ads

One way to grow on Twitter and any social network is by running ad campaigns. 

Twitter has Twitter Ads, where you can create your ad campaigns to reach more users with your content, that is, promoting your tweets. If you think you might need a boost, don’t hesitate to invest in advertising and kick your content up a notch.

Remember to analyze each campaign to ensure your efforts are giving the expected results. 

#9 Use other channels

It is a fact. Social networks feed each other. It is a circle in which each profile connects with the other and can help you grow your community.

For example, you can share Instagram stories to follow you on Twitter. Or a LinkedIn post recommending your profile because there is content that you only have available there, etc.

Similarly, you can reuse content from other platforms and share it on Twitter. Do it with the best performing content.

#10 Optimize your profile

The content you upload is as important as the first impression you show.

Therefore, you must optimize your profile with all the options that the platform offers you; the profile photo, the cover photo, the username, the biography, and the link that it allows you to add.

If you fall short with the link in the bio, you can use Metricool’s SmartLinks, where you can add as many links as you want and optimize Twitter’s link in the bio.

These are our ten tips for Twitter engagement and how to grow on Twitter. It’s up to you to put them into practice and advance your account in the bird’s social network.

Here is the Metricool Twitter Marketing guide to help you start on the right foot if you are giving your first steps on this platform. 

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 27 April 2022

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