Instagram Reach Decline in 2023

11 October 2023

If you have been an active user on Instagram for a while now, you may have noticed quite a decrease in your organic reach. Whether you are just a regular user sharing your life with your followers, a social media manager, or a content creator, you may feel frustrated with the decrease in your organic reach. 

If this is something you have been struggling with, be sure to keep reading. We will discuss what organic reach is, why your reach has declined, and let you in on our extensive research from our 2023 Instagram study we conducted. 

What is Reach On Instagram?

To put it simply, Instagram’s reach is the number of people who view your content anywhere in the app. This includes the Discover tab, feed, tagged posts, location, or hashtag search. This does not account for the amount of times one person views it. For example, let’s say your post has 50 views, this does not show how many times each one of the 50 people viewed your post. 

This metric is important for users to measure how they are doing on Instagram. If your goal is to increase your brand awareness or attract new followers, keeping note of your Instagram reach is important. The goal of social media when it comes to marketing is to create a strong online presence and create a relationship with your followers in hopes they become clients or customers. Measuring your Instagram reach can help you decipher which types of content your followers prefer. 

How to Check Reach on Instagram 

Your Instagram reach will be located in your post insights, so you will want to follow these simple steps: 

  1. Head to your profile and click on the three-line icon
  2. Then click Insights 
  3. Here you will see the overview of your insights 
  4. Scroll down to “Content You Shared” and click on any content you would like to see the insights of 
  5. Your “Accounts Reached” will be the info you are looking for

How to Check Reach with Metricool 

Metricool offers extensive analytics on all of your social media platforms. With Instagram, you can view your Avg. reach per day: The average number of people who have been reached with our publications. The average is taken over the number of days and It includes organic and paid data. All you have to do is: 

  • Log into your Metricool Account
  • Head on over to Analytics
  • Make sure Instagram is selected and scroll down
  • Under Account you will see ‘Avg Reach Per Day’

Why Instagram Reach is Down 

After reading thus far, there is no question that your Instagram reach is an important metric to keep in mind. There could be several reasons as to why you are seeing a decline in your Instagram reach. Recently we took the time to dive deep into Instagram analytics and created a full 2023 Instagram Study, click the button below to view the full study: 

  • More Competition– There are currently over 1.35 billion users on Instagram, so standing out is much harder. Although reels are still the most popular type of content, we found that the fact that brands and professionals have increased their creation of Reels, therefore, as the number of Reels is larger, the reach is lower. 
  • Seasonality– take into account the busier times for your audience and when they are more likely to be on their phones
  • Instagram Algorithm- they now favor content that is unique and original to Instagram rather than reposts or shared content from some other social platform. Some algorithmic factors that are important are certain trending keywords, posting frequency, and relevancy. 
  • Hashtags- not using different hashtag bundles that include a mix of popular and niche hashtags to reach the widest audience audience 
  • Inconsistent Posting– posting consistently doesn’t mean posting too much but at a manageable weekly schedule 

Tips to Increase Reach On Instagram 

It is important to remember that the Instagram Algorithm is designed to show users what they want to see. So be sure to create timely content that is engaging to your target audience so that your content is shown to the right people! Some key factors to consider when creating posts are: 

  • Quality Content- be sure to think quality over quantity. It is better to post less content if you are compromising quality just to get a certain amount of posts up per week. 
  • Optimize Profile- Consider your profile as a whole as a first impression to new followers, so optimizing your profile with a clear bio, website link, and a clear portrayal of your business is vital. 
  • Types of Content- According to our 2023 Instagram Study, Reels have continued to be the best content with the highest reach, then it is carousels with, stories, and lastly images in the feed. The use of Reels has grown by 282%, indicating that brands have bet on the short-form video format in the last year. It is still important to diversify your content to keep your audience interested and engaged. 
  • Post at Optimal Times- According to our 2023 Instagram Study, the best time to post on Instagram in all time zones remains unchanged, 8 PM, regardless of the day. Your Instagram account also shows you the best hours to post. Just Go to Insight – Audience and scroll a bit down, and you’ll see on which days of the week — and which approximate times — your followers are the most active on Instagram. To make life easier, Metricool offers you the best times to post in two ways: Through the calendar colors: the darkest slots are the ones with the most active users and a percentage that indicates when there are more active users in a specific time slot.
  • Use Influencer Marketing– choose an influencer that fits your brand and work with them to grow your brand and get your product in front of new eyes. Check out our full Influencer Marketing Guide for help! 

Social media is full of ebbs and flows and it is normal to see random increases and decreases in your post insights, but if you are seeing a consistent decline this year, you are not alone and you have the power to get back on track! 

Using a third-party planning platform can organize all of your information and give you clear analytics to take your social media presence to new heights. Metricool offers FREE plans for everyone! Click the button below to create your free account:

sophie sophie , 11 October 2023

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