How to create a thread on Twitter

06 April 2022

If you’ve been thinking about making a thread on Twitter for a long time, the time has come.

We will guide you in the process so you can learn how to create a thread on Twitter.

Twitter threads step by step

Before, you had to post the tweet and reply to it to continue the thread.

Now, the process is more straightforward. We will tell you how to do it.

1 Enter Twitter, either from the mobile application or PC.

2 Click on the ‘Tweet’ button.

3 Type the content for the first tweet.

4 As soon as you start writing, a button with the ‘+’ icon will appear in the text box.

If you already have the first tweet created, click on this button, and Twitter will show you another text box below the first one where you can continue writing the following tweet.

5 Every time you want to add a new tweet to your thread, you just have to click on the ‘+’ button and write the content.

6 When you have written all the tweets that will make up your thread, click on ‘Tweet all’.

7 Done! You have created your first thread. 

create a thread on Twitter

✅ In the tweet thread, you can add the same elements as on any regular tweet: mentions, tags with photos, gifs, videos, etc.

✅ Twitter does not give the option to schedule Twitter threads. With Metricool, you can program your content: threads of up to 80 tweets can be planned ahead of time. 

You can create a thread on Twitter from an already published tweet. Simply reply to your own tweet and click on the ‘+’ icon.

Twitter threads allow you to create longer content on the social network and thus “skip” the 280-character limit.

Now you know how to create a thread on Twitter from the app and the web browser. Take advantage of this functionality to talk about a topic without worrying about the 280-character limit.

Do you want to start on Twitter? I leave you something that may interest you. 👇🏻

▶️ Metricool’s Twitter Marketing Guide ◀️

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 06 April 2022

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