How to Schedule Content on Instagram

19 October 2023

Want to know how to schedule content for Instagram? If you don’t, you will now. Scheduling your content on Instagram will save you a huge amount of time, keep you organized, and make sure you have a consistent Instagram presence.

Tips on Planning Content for Instagram

Where do I start? What is the best time to post on Instagram? Is it possible to plan content on Instagram? If you have wondered about these questions, stick around!

Define your content theme

You need to establish what you will talk about in your post as the first step to scheduling your content on this social media platform.

This step is crucial so you don’t have to come up with new topics every day and keep the same theme with everything you post. With this first idea, you will have already laid the seed to develop your post later.

Analyze your competition

Are there times when you feel like inspiration has abandoned you? It’s time to look at your business or personal brand’s competition.

It’s not about copying ideas, far from it. It’s about learning from other accounts to get ideas: you take a little from here, a little from there, and your idea will start getting some shape. 

If you want to see the best posts of your competitors, as well as “spy” on their metrics and know how they are doing with their profiles, Metricool makes it possible: at the click of a button, you will have all the information about other accounts.

🔎 Discover how to “spy” on competitors with Metricool

Use a template

How often have you lost a great idea or an excellent copy for not writing it down? 

One of the tips that will help you better organize your day-to-day work is to have a template where you can organize all your Instagram content and planning.

If you don’t know where to start, Metricool has a free template with everything you need for your planning: goals, periodicity, content, etc. Just download it or share it on your drive to work on it.

🗓 Download the Metricool template for FREE here

Write down the important dates

Dates like Valentine’s Day or Christmas Day are great opportunities to get interactions. In this case, these dates can be used whatever your niche is. 

In addition to these days, you can target specific dates relevant to your business or personal brand. If, for example, you have an Instagram account giving physical training tips, you must remember and create specific content for the World Day of Physical Activity.

In the same template that we just mentioned, you can add a new tab with these important days, both general and specific to your field of business.

Our Metricool Note’s feature is also a great tool to keep these important dates organized. Our Notes Feature can help you manage your social media accounts, organize your clients’ networks, and communicate with your team members or clients from within Metricool. 

Schedule content with Metricool

Any content planning on Instagram requires an effective tool to carry out your task: Metricool.

From Metricool, you have the control panel to schedule your content as if you were publishing it on the social network itself: you can plan and auto-publish standard posts, short videos, and reels. You also have the option to schedule longer videos (over 1 minute) and stories, but the posting will be semi-automatically. 

📆 Schedule Instagram content with Metricool

Add the text of your post and multimedia elements, and search for the perfect hashtag. With Metricool’s planning tool, you have it all. Take advantage of the ‘Feed Preview’ function to see how your post will look before your post and make changes if necessary.

Find the best time to post

Do you want to know the best time to post on Instagram? This data will help you get more interactions since it’s when your community is most active.

According to our latest Instagram 2023 study, the best time to post is 8 p.m. on any given day, including weekends.

But in Metricool, you can see the best time to post according to your specific account. In your calendar, you have the best times in blocks, the darker the color hue, the more followers active. You can also see this information in percentages. 

All you have to do is schedule your content from Metricool at the best time, and that’s it!

Use social media tools

We are talking about those applications that you have in your browser as favorites and that you have direct access to on your mobile and make your life easier. These are some of them:

  • Google Drive: to share files and have access to the multimedia elements that you will later upload to Instagram.
  • Canva: to design or edit any image or video, you can use it on your mobile or web browser and embed your images with Metricool.
  • Metricool analytics: check how your posts programmed from Metricool have performed… you have everything you need to work with Metricool

📲 10 apps for social media

Put into practice these tips on how to plan content for Instagram and automate your tasks to save time and be more effective in your day-to-day.

The perfect starting place would be to watch our in-depth tutorial below:

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 19 October 2023

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Your Instagram growth tool

Schedule your posts, Stories, carousels, and Reels; manage your messages and comments, and analyze your content results. All in the same place.

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