Instagram paid subscriptions for content creators

25 January 2022

Do you miss opportunities to get paid as a content creator through your content on Instagram? With Instagram subscriptions, you can do it. 

We will tell you everything you need to know about Instagram paid subscriptions. 

What are Instagram subscriptions?

Instagram subscription is a business model for creators in which followers pay a specific amount of money to access certain content.

💡 Will it be all paid content then? Don’t worry, because you will still be able to access your influencer’s profile and enjoy their content. 

The content creator will post exclusive content for those users who have paid a subscription.

Like other platforms like YouTube or Twitch, Instagram wants to reward content creators and allow them to make money through their content. 

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

Una publicación compartida de Instagram’s @Creators (@creators)

Which features do these subscriptions offer?

✅ Content creators will have the option to share exclusive posts on their profile for those users who have paid for the subscription.

The subscription payment will be monthly and will be set by the influencer. At the moment, payments for each content are not conducted and there is no maximum or minimum subscriptions.

Instagram has not yet ruled on the requirements to access this subscription program. But, if we look at other features (link in stories, for example), we expect that Instagram will set some minimum requirements in the future. 

instagram subscriptions

What content is available in the subscriptions? 

If you are a content creator and you activate this premium option, this part will interest you the most.

What Instagram content can you include in the premium “format”?

⚡️ Exclusive stories.

Create stories on Instagram through subscription stories, which can only be seen by those who have paid for your subscription.

This option is similar to an already existing feature: stories for best friends, in which only those who are on your list can see this content.

⚡️ Exclusive lives.

Broadcasting lives have become a great option on Instagram.

With the lives for subscribers, only paying members will have access. It’s a great way to connect with them in a more intimate and personal way.

⚡️ Subscriber badges.

Badges are a common element in subscription programs on social media platforms. It is a way to differentiate subscribers from other users.

On Instagram, each user will have the badge that accredits them as a subscriber to your account. The creator will quickly identify subscribers with the badge next to comments and private messages. 

This feature it only at its initial stage. However, some influencers are already able to generate a recurring income through Instagram paid subscriptions.

Do you want to start creating your strategy on Instagram and become an influencer?

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 25 January 2022

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