Mute Someone on Instagram

26 July 2022

To mute someone on Instagram is one of the several ways to limit someone’s contact with your Instagram account, partially or completely.

This time, we’re going to look at what it means muting someone on Instagram and how to do it. Of course, if you regret it or change your mind, you can also unmute them.

What does mute mean on Instagram?

Muting someone on Instagram is another way to block or restrict a user that the network offers so you can get rid of trolls or people you don’t want to have contact with.

While blocking or restricting someone limits their access to your content, completely or partially, muting is exactly the opposite: Instagram hides the content from users you mute from you.

Basically, it’s like unfollowing them without clicking on the unfollow button. Instagram won’t show you anything from that user and, of course, they won’t get any sort of notification that they’ve been muted.

How to mute someone on Instagram

On Instagram, you can mute a user if you don’t want to see any of the content they post, or you can just mute their Stories.

This is a great option if the user you want to mute goes overboard with boring Stories you don’t want to see but you’re still interested in the rest of their content.

Muting someone from their profile

Want Instagram to hide any content the user posts from you? Follow these steps!

  • Go to the Instagram app: this works on Android or iOS.
  • Find the user you want to mute using the network’s search engine or in your ‘Following’ list.
  • When you’re in their profile, tap on the ‘Following’ button and you’ll see several options. One of them is mute.
  • Instagram will then show you a tab with the option to mute Posts and/or Stories. Tap the slide on your choice: just Stories, just Posts or both.
  • When you confirm and mute that Instagram profile, you won’t see any more content from that user.

Muting someone from Stories

If you don’t want to go through that whole process, you can mute someone’s Stories and Posts directly from that content.

  • Go into Instagram and then to the Stories of the person you want to mute: they have to have uploaded Stories for this to work.
  • Tap and hold on their profile pic when you see it at the top of your feed, where their Stories are.
  • In the pop-up window, tap on ‘Mute Stories’ or ‘Mute Posts and Stories’.
  • Another option is to click on the three dots at the top right to see these same options.

Muting someone on Instagram from a Post

You probably spend most of your time on Instagram on your feed, right?

Well, you can also mute someone on Instagram from there.

  • Go into the Instagram app and start looking at your feed. 
  • When you see someone you don’t want to get content from, tap on the three dots at the top right.
  • Tap ‘Hide’. Then Instagram will notify you that you’ve hidden that post and they will appear lower down in the news section.
  • Plus, you’ll see the options to Report, Mute or Unfollow.
  • Tap on Mute and you’ll get the same options as before: ‘Mute Posts’ and ‘Mute Story’.

How to unmute someone on Instagram

To start seeing a muted user’s content again:

  • Go to the profile of the person you muted.
  • Tap on the ‘Following’ button and then on ‘Mute’. If you muted both options, you’ll see two slides activated.
  • Tap them both to unselect Stories and posts.
  • Go back and you’re done.

Differences between blocking, restricting and muting someone on Instagram

Now that you know what muting someone on Instagram is, you might be interested in other options to limit content on this social network:

▶️ Block someone Instagram: that user won’t have any access to your profile or be able to contact you.

▶️ Restrict someone on Instagram: you limit someone’s access to your profile, comments aren’t public and they won’t be able to see if you’re online.

▶️ Mute someone on Instagram: you hide the other person’s content from yourself.

As you can see, there are several ways to “forget” someone on this social network.

Want to get started on Instagram? Here’s the Metricool guide to Instagram marketing.

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 26 July 2022

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