What is Facebook 360?

03 December 2019

Facebook 360 is a tool that Facebook puts at your disposal to share photos, videos and multimedia content in 360 degrees. 

If you love capturing unique moments in 360 degrees, you won’t need special cameras or specific apps that take space in your mobile device. 

Say goodbye to these types of cameras and welcome Facebook 360.

Facebook 360

Facebook 360 is a feature available on Facebook. You don’t need a special connection or to access a different platform.

facebook 360

How does Facebook 360 work?

Facebook 360 allows you to take panoramic photos, from any angle and the field of view will automatically be set to the center of the photo.  

This is a useful option to capture landscapes or city photographs that look better if  they are displayed in panoramic mode.

How to upload 360 photos to Facebook?

It is easier than you think. Bring your Peter Parker side out and let’s get started:

  1. Log into your Facebook app

If you are not already logged in of course…

  1. Click the option “Photo/Video” at the top of News Feed or Timeline.
  2. Select,  the option “Photo 360” in the drop-down menu
  3. Take the photo that you want to immortalize from side to side, capturing what you like the most.
  4. Review the preview, make sure you like it and upload it!

If you have taken the picture with an external app or your own camera and you want to upload it to your Facebook News Feed:

  1. Go to Facebook News Feed and tap “Photo/Video”
  2. Select the option ‘Photo 360’ and select camera or gallery.
  3. Choose the photo that you want to upload in format 360-panoramic.

You have your 360 photos already uploaded on your Facebook’s News Feed. 

You just have to wait for likes!

Where it fits in your Marketing Strategy

is it really important to share 360 photos on your News Feed if you are either a personal brand, online store or business?

The answer is YES. 

At the end of the day, you are creating content and few are the ones who dare to abandon their “comfort zone” on Facebook and leap to the 360 photos world.


It’s a great option to create new content, 360 photos capture user’s eyes: you will be able to stand out over your competitors and make users stop to see your photos.

Do you have any question? We will read your comments. 👇🏻 

If you want to get more information and don’t leave anything behind, check this article:

Isabel Romero Isabel Romero , 03 December 2019

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