Mistakes on YouTube: the 8 actions to avoid

03 September 2020

Many times we launch into social networks without knowing very well what awaits us and without having investigated them thoroughly … that is why there are times when the results are not what we expected despite putting all our effort and time into the social media strategy.

YouTube is one of the social platforms most used by companies and individuals, and there are many occasions when this same story happens.

That is why in this article I am going to tell you some mistakes that you should avoid making on your YouTube channel. If you avoid them your path to success will be clear.

What are these mistakes? Here we go…

#1. Do not decide a theme 

A YouTube channel is like a magazine or a blog, it needs a theme so that the people who get to know it know what they will find there.

If you start uploading cooking, tech, and automotive videos, people who find your channel won’t know what they’re going to find the next time you upload a video, and that will make them wonder whether or not to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

It is important that you establish a theme to which you want to dedicate yourself and build a clear image so your followers know what they will find and the content that you will publish.  This way they will not hesitate to subscribe.

#2. Not identifying your target and the objectives of your channel

Publishing content and seeking followers without a goal is going adrift.

To be successful you need to have a strategy, and for your strategy to be successful you have to be clear about two things:

  • What audience are you addressing?
  • What do you want to achieve with your YouTube channel?

They are two key aspects to take into account. As soon as you have a clear vision of both, you will get a more defined strategy and more direct actions.

#3. Not having your profile optimized

When someone comes to a YouTube channel for the first time, they like to do their research and find out what they might find, who is the person running the channel, and what types of videos it has.

That is why it is important to have the YouTube channel optimized with the following aspects:

✅ A clear profile photo that shows who you are or what company you are.

✅ A description of the channel with keywords to facilitate the search of your profile

✅ A simple name that is not difficult to remember.

✅ Playlists with the classification of the content you publish.

✅ Introductory video. So users get an idea of ​​the channel.

✅ Optimized videos with proper titles, descriptions and keywords.

#4. Not being constant on your channel

One of the most common mistakes in all social networks. If you want to increase your visibility and the number of subscribers, you have to upload content more frequently to give your users content to see and share.

#5. Not interacting with your subscribers

Show your subscribers that there is a person behind all those videos and that this person is real. Encourage your followers to keep watching your videos by answering all their comments and questions.

This way you will build a relationship with your subscribers and they will have more loyalty for your channel.

#6. Generating content without quality 

Although it is true that you have to maintain a frequency and you cannot leave your channel inactive for long periods of time, it is important that the content you publish is of quality and value for your target.

It is better that you publish two videos a week with good audio and quality images than it is to upload 5 videos a week but with poor quality that makes the experience uncomfortable.

Focus on the quality of the videos so that the content adds value and is interesting. 

#7. Not thinking of a strategy to hook your audience

Quality is not only important in a video … If you want to share 30-minute videos, you have to get your subscribers hooked in the first 3 or 4 minutes.

If the beginning of the video is boring, monotonous or too similar to other videos, probably viewers won’t continue watching until the end.

Also, one trick is to spin different videos. For example, give clues about what you will talk about in the next video so that subscribers already want to see it.

#8. Not analyzing your metrics

This is one of the most common mistakes in all social networks of the moment.

Having a good strategy is not achieved without effort, and within that effort is to monitor each content you publish and how many people subscribe to your channel.

Knowing how your videos perform, you can discover many things:

📽 Which videos have the most views? Can you group them by content?

📽 What videos have the most likes or comments?

📽 What are the best times to post on your channel?

Not analyzing the performance of your channel is a big mistake that can delay the growth of your channel.

Analyze your YouTube channel with Metricool

With Metricool’s free plan you can analyze your YouTube channel to draw all possible conclusions from your content and subscribers.

Discover the growth of your community, the metrics of each of your videos and the income you generate in the channel.

Also, if you have the premium version of Metricool you can analyze your competition’s channels and download reports with the information you need.

If you want to know other tips to improve your videos and optimize your YouTube channel, here is our updated guide:

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 03 September 2020


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