TikTok Announces All Videos Will Have Default Auto Captions

16 October 2023

TikTok places high importance on the accessibility of the app to be sure it is as user-friendly as possible for everyone. The most recent update TikTok announced is that all videos will now have default auto-captions. This update has been made public to each and every user but will not fully go into effect until November. 

How Do The Default Auto Captions Work? 

Where you had the option to toggle on the auto-captions feature, you will now notice that this is not there any longer. Every video, as long as it is in a supported language, will automatically have captions turned on. 

If you are active on TikTok sometimes the captions can not match up to what the creator is saying, but do not fret. Just because captions will be automatic, TikTok says that creators will still be able to edit or delete captions after posting. 

This new update is a great one so that viewers with hearing difficulties or needing to watch videos without sound can watch all kinds of content. It’s not a stretch in our opinion to see this feature being offered across the boards of social media platforms. 

What do you think of this new feature? To learn more about what’s been happening with TikTok, we highly recommend you check out our TikTok Study we conducted recently. We answer all the pressing questions people have had about TikTok: 

If you’ve been struggling to get views on TikTok, check out our article below as well! 

sophie sophie , 16 October 2023
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