How to Recover a TikTok Account

10 January 2023

Have you lost your TikTok account and are unsure of how to get it back? If you have landed here, it is because you want to know how to recover your TikTok account, and it may be for one of these three reasons:

  • Your account has been blocked or suspended.
  • You have forgotten your password.
  • You have deleted your account.

Before you lose faith in recovering your original account and go forth with creating a new one, there may be hope for you. Depending on your situation, there are a few different ways you can recover your account.

So let’s find out if you can get your TikTok account restored!

Account Recovery on TikTok

Depending on the situation you find yourself in with your TikTok account, it can either be pretty simple or slightly more challenging to recover the account.

Let’s see it step by step.

How to recover a TikTok account without a phone number and email

A suspended or blocked account is usually the result of having violated any of the app’s terms of use.

Many times, people ask if it is possible to reopen this account if you haven’t complied with TikTok rules with your content. The answer is yes, if TikTok blocks your account, it will send you a notification when you log back into the app. If you think you have been blocked by mistake, you need to submit a review request: 

  • Click on the notification
  • click on ‘Review request’
  • follow the steps

Another way to contact TikTok about account recovery is through the following form:

  • Fill in the email address field, the username is optional.
  • Choose the topic you want to ask about: ‘Account ban/Suspension’.
  • Explain your problem in the ‘How can we help’ section and add multimedia files (up to 10 images) to complement it.
  • Finally, click ‘Submit’.

The TikTok team will analyze your situation. If there is an error, they will change your restriction and you can log in again.

tiktok form to recover tiktok account

Remember that with Metricool you can analyze and schedule your content on TikTok. We are a TikTok-authorized tool and you will not have any problem with your account.

Recover TikTok account with a username

If you cannot enter TikTok because you have lost your password or don’t remember it, recovering your account is easy. How to recover a TikTok account with a username:

Open the TikTok app

When you open the TikTok application, it takes you directly to register.

Recover TikTok account

Click Log in

At the bottom of the screen, you can see the option: ‘Already have an account? Log in‘.

Click on ‘phone or email/username’

On the next screen, you can log into your account. Since you don’t remember the password, click on ‘Forgot password?’.

Recover TikTok account

Choose between a Phone number or an Email

Here you can choose how you want to reset your password: through a message on your cell phone or an email with which you registered the TikTok account.

Recover TikTok account

If you registered with a Twitter, Facebook, or any other social network account, it is easier to reestablish your account since you will only have to connect with the profile.

It is vital that you remember both the mobile phone and the email with which you registered. Otherwise, it will be complicated to recover it, due to TikTok’s security system.

Can you recover a deactivated TikTok account?

Have you deleted your TikTok account? Perhaps you decided to delete your account to disconnect from social networks, but now you want it back.

The truth is that this situation is more complicated than the simple fact of forgetting your password. Why?

Because deleting your account is a definitive process and you cannot recover it, meaning you would have to create a new one.

So is there a solution?

The answer is yes, partially. TikTok will wait 30 days to delete the account permanently, so if you log in again before the end of this period, you can recover and reactivate your account.

After this time, the only solution is to contact TikTok via the support page and access this link.

How to recover a banned TikTok account?

Accounts can get banned on TikTok if they believe that your account has been consistently violating their Community guidelines. This can happen often and there are also cases where TikTok accounts have been banned incorrectly. If this happened to you and you believe it might have been a mistake, you have the opportunity to ‘Appeal‘ it. You will know your account has been banned as soon as you open up your TikTok app and see the banned banner at the top of your screen. To appeal all you have to do is:

  • Open your TikTok App and open up the notification that alerts you of the banning
  • Tap ‘Appeal
  • Follow the simple instructions
  • Confirm

If you are new to TikTok and want to learn how to use this app, make sure to check out this guide for beginners below:


Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 10 January 2023

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