How to Increase Social Media Engagement

09 September 2023

We hear about engagement all the time, but are you sure of what it means? Engagement is the way that users show their connection with a brand on social media. Engagement is calculated by the following actions:

  • Likes
  • Mentions
  • Saved posts
  • Direct messages
  • Shares
  • Reposts
  • Comments

Thus, your engagement rate tells you what percentage of your followers interact with your brand.

➡️ Learn more about engagement and how to make followers fall in love with your brand ⬅️

Tips to Boost Social Media Engagement

We have put together 10 useful tips to increase your social media engagement. Also, you have a full social media marketing guide below!

Listen and publish

Understanding how a social media strategy works is crucial.Social listening is a process that will help you to undertake this task. You will learn about what users are saying about your brand, and what feedback they have about your products or services.

Nowadays people love to share their opinions on different online platforms. Therefore, you can easily and effortlessly get valuable information about how your strategy is working.

Metricool will make it even easier for you!

With our tool, you can track the performance of your strategy regularly. In the Evolution panel, you can monitor the progress of your followers and engagement regarding the number of publications.

Get to know your audience

You need to understand your audience as well, so you know where to focus your social media strategies. If your content is unable to attract your target public, you will be wasting your time.

Spending time to understand your customers and prospects’ needs and expectations is a must.

In short, apart from social listening, invest some time to create your buyer persona to start your marketing strategy.

Attract users without overwhelming them 

The objective on social media is to capture users’ attention without making them feel overwhelmed. 

Inbound marketing techniques are the best way to make the customer come to you more naturally and in a less invasive way.

People recognize spam instantly. So the idea is to get them to take the first step without pushing and invading their space.   

Join the conversation 

People love when they comment on a brand’s posts, and then that brand replies back to them. It makes them feel seen and encourages them to continue interacting with the brand.

When users ask questions or comment about your brand, show them your interest by acknowledging and answering their questions. It’s a smart way to keep the conversation moving forward to encourage interactions.

Create and share valuable content 

As we mentioned, engagement is the number of interactions that your brand receives in relation to your followers.   

So, the quality of your content is crucial. Users will be encouraged to spend time on your posts and search for your publications. All this will positively impact the number of interactions you receive.

Analyze your engagement numbers, to see what content and messaging has worked best.

Show who is behind your brand 

People want to see the real faces behind a brand, and not interact with a machine. Plus, it makes you as a brand more human and relatable. Being natural and approachable on social media is a great way to connect with your audience.

For example, when you recognize the faces behind the brand, it helps you to feel closer to them.

Stay up to date 

If you want your audience to get involved, talk about the latest news and current issues.

It is easier to connect to other people when you talk about things that are current, they are probably up-to-date and interested in the matter too.  

Post regularly 

If you want engagement, you need to be posting. You will have to post often and regularly in order to increase your social media engagement and get more interactions.

Be actively present and review when your audience is more active on social media. Metricool helps you discover the best time to post for your account’s audiences on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter at no cost.

Plan your strategy and invest time in creating valuable and frequent content to increase your social media engagement.

Think carefully about the formats you are sharing 

It’s true that social networks were once photo oriented. However, now video is become more and more dominant.

Some studies have concluded that videos help to create emotional ties with followers, and they prefer videos over images.  

Analyze which formats work best with your audience and share what they like the most..

Pay attention to the copy 

Images and videos are important but what about the copy?

It is an important part of your online publications even when it doesn’t take too much space. Many users read the text and it helps them to understand your message better. Use calls-to-action to boost your social media engagement.

Follow these simple tips and analyze their impact on your social media engagement.

Is it improving?

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 09 September 2023
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