Tips on How to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts

Managing multiple social media platforms can be downright time-consuming and overwhelming. It is likely that you are here because you are part of a social media agency, a freelance social media manager, or manage more than one account, and are looking for some tips and tricks to effectively manage your social media accounts. You are in the right place! 

We are here to tell you that managing multiple social media accounts does not have to be overwhelming and unbelievably time-consuming. Let’s explore some helpful tips that are sure to help you! 

5 Tips to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts

Keeping up with different trends, social media algorithms, which platforms work best, etc. can be exhausting. The key to keeping your sanity is an organized and streamlined workflow. Yeah we know, that is easier said than done. So let’s give you some clear takeaways. Here are 5 tips for managing multiple social media accounts: 

Create a Social Media Strategy

It is important to understand what you want to get out of your social media presence. This is where a strategy comes into play. Inside every wonderful social media strategy you should:

  • Define your Goals- ask yourself; are you looking to build brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? Defining this at the beginning helps all of your other tasks stay on track and reflect your ultimate goal or your “why.”
  • Choose the Right Social Media Platforms– The best way to select the right platform (or platforms) for your needs is to consider what platforms your ideal clients or audience is on. 
  • Create Engaging Content– what interests one group of people may not be of interest to another. The key is to research what your client’s pain points are, and what solutions they are searching for. 
  • Use Hashtags and Keywords– use relevant and trending hashtags and keywords. Metricool offers both Instagram and TikTok hashtag generators. These tools are external to the social network to provide you with the most popular tags that you can use for your content. For keywords, there are many helpful tools including Google Keyword Planner, Celver Ads Keyword Planner, Exploding Topics, and SEMrush.

Doing the hard work up front and prior to beginning your social media journey will help save you time in the long run!

Create a Social Media Content Calendar 

A social media content calendar is the best way to not only organize your content but also be able to save an exponential amount of time. A content calendar can help you set your goals for each social network and blog that align with your target audience. This will also help you make a weekly plan of content for all your social media accounts, and prepare the content you’re going to post on each social network with the topic for each post. 

Metricool offers a very clear and organized social media planning feature.

Metricool allows you to schedule your posts so that they’re published automatically on the day and time you choose, then easily access accurate metrics about your contents performance. Manage all the social networks you work with from one place, rather than switching between networks and accounts to post manually.

To access the planning feature on Metricool, follow these steps: 

  • Open the Metricool planner.
  • Highlight the social media network you want to post on. 
  • You can schedule content across multiple social networks at the same time.
  • Write your copy, add emojis, mentions, and generate hashtags.
  • You can also use Metricool’s image and video banks, in times when you’re lacking content. 
  • Choose the day and time you want the content to be published. 
  • Click Save and you’re all set.

For this you will need to be a Metricooler, so click the button below to sign up for a FREE account:

Use Templates for Content Creation 

Templates for social media content can help you build off ideas without having to start from scratch but also keep your brand consistent and recognizable. A template is essential to designing a content plan with everything you will share on each social network to make sense, be coherent, and be sure you are not publishing without rhyme and reason. Templates are any pre-designed layouts and designs for creating all kinds of content for any platform. 

Metricool offers FREE templates for your content: 

This free template helps you map out your entire social calendar for all your accounts. This function is helpful to leave the content programmed and focus on other tasks of your day-to-day.

Reserve Time For Engagement 

It is common for people to post, and then leave without responding to comments, replies, etc. However, staying connected with your audience. Engagement is a vital part of building and maintaining a relationship with followers. 

You can calculate your engagement easily with Metricool. By connecting your account to Metricool you can know what is the engagement of your publications or posts and analyze it for periods of time. 

Metricool also offers a single inbox to manage all your social messages. This feature is a single space to keep all of your messages organized so you will not have to log into all of your accounts to prevent yourself from missing a message. 

Repurpose Content 

For those who have created content before, you know it can be time-consuming so why not do yourself a favor a repurpose your content when you can? Repurposing content is when you take a post or publication and transform it into a new format.

For example, taking a blog post and transforming that content into a carousel Instagram post. This not only makes for an easier post idea but also expands the reach of that information to a whole new audience. 

In this live Masterclass linked below, we break down the art of what goes into repurposing content: 

Time is valuable and we understand that better than most! It is our hope that these tips will help you maintain a seamless workflow and allow you to take on some more work and succeed. 

For a complete social media marketing guide, click the button below:

sophie sophie , 12 October 2023
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