How To Increase Instagram Followers

18 October 2023

There are currently over 2.35 billion monthly active users on Instagram. This app has been and continues to be quite the powerhouse in terms of social media platforms. This means that there is no shortage of possible audiences, but it can be difficult to gain followers. We are here to help!

Five Tips to Increase Instagram Followers

Just as was the case with Facebook, businesses have taken note of the size of the Instagram audience as well as its potential as an effective social media marketing tool. This app was made to drive traffic, connect people, and even support sales for businesses.

If you have been on Instagram for a while now, you are probably aware of the many updates and the constantly changing algorithm. All these factors can make cracking Instagram’s code very tricky, but we have some key ways that will help you.

Here are some tips to help businesses increase Instagram followers on this fast-growing social network. Be sure to be patient, things like this do not happen overnight! Now let’s get into it:

Switch to a Business Account

This may seem a little obvious, but many companies don’t know the difference, therefore they have yet to create one.

The bottom line is if you don’t have a business account, you don’t have access to the built-in analytics that are so important to your social media marketing strategy. You’ll be flying blind.

How are you supposed to know what content is performing the best if you don’t know who is viewing what? If you don’t know what content is favored, you won’t be able to provide more of it to draw in more followers.

increase instagram followers switch to business account

Have a Clear Content Strategy

You can’t send followers to your Instagram account until they have something worthwhile to look at. If you are new to Instagram, you should begin by creating a social strategy.

If you already have an Instagram account but it’s not growing as quickly as you’d like, start by reviewing your social strategy to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted.

Be sure you have clear and measurable goals, a clear image of who your target audience is, and post engaging content your audience will like.

Conduct a Competitor Analysis

A good place to start is by doing a little recon. In other words, by checking out what your competitors are putting on their Instagram accounts and seeing the amount of engagement they’re receiving on their posts. Think of it as a way to capitalize on their experience.  If you see something that seems to be working for them, it’s a great place to start for you.

Metricool offers a great Competitor Analysis feature where you can essentially spy on any account’s social media strategy and their results to make the best decisions with the truth in your hands.

Make Time for Engagement

Engaging with your audience helps create and keep a relationship with your customers. Being more personal and being sure to reply to comments, DMs, and outreach to others will not only create more of a personable personality, but it can also create brand loyalty with your audience.

Replying to every comment and DM could get overwhelming and some can get lost in the heights of our busy lives. Metricool makes engagement easy with our Inbox Management feature. This feature allows you to view and reply to all the messages you receive across social media network

Optimize Your Instagram Account

Optimizing your account is highly important to prove to your audience that your brand or business is legit. To do this be sure to:

  • Add an Instagram bio that is complete with a clear description of who you are, what you do, and how to contact you
  • Add a recognizable profile picture
  • Include a link to your website or any other helpful link
  • Be sure your profile username is search-friendly. Meaning it includes your business name or a keyword that is easy to find.

If you want to know more about Marketing on Instagram, we have a complete guide:

sophie sophie , 18 October 2023

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Your Instagram growth tool

Schedule your posts, Stories, carousels, and Reels; manage your messages and comments, and analyze your content results. All in the same place.

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