What Should My Engagement Rate on Social Media Look Like?

17 January 2024

How can you measure your social media engagement? There are a few different metrics that can help you track social media engagement, but before diving into the numbers, let’s define some terms…

What is Social Media Engagement?

When we talk about engagement, we’re referring to how users interact with your brand.

It’s the capacity of a product or a company to create solid and long-lasting relations with the users, translated into the engagement born between the brand and the consumers.

The more you get to know your users, the better you’ll be able to improve the strategies you need to achieve a long-lasting and solid relationship.

So, a simple definition is the ability of a brand to engage the audience and create a long-term commitment.

Your brand needs to engage users as they will become the evangelists of your brand.  The success of your business depends on recurrent users.

How is Engagement Calculated?

Engagement isn’t measured by likes but through the interactions with your brand. To have more engagement, you need your users to be continuously talking about your brand instead of providing likes.

Engagement can be measured in many ways, but we always need to bear in mind the important elements of each social network. Among all the different formulas existing to calculate data, you need to find the formula that helps you to achieve your goals.

One single formula will never cover it all as every account needs its own data. Besides, it’s very important to use public measurements and always the same formula to be able to compare the same data.

In the case of Metricool, you can select how you want your engagement to be calculated. By default, our engagement formula multiplies by 100, however you can change this to multiply by 1000.

We recommend selecting x100 (industry standard) for smaller accounts, and x1000 for larger accounts.

Why Engagement is Crucial for Your Social Strategy

Engagement is one of the best-known terms in the marketing world as it is one of the most important metrics that determine the success of your digital strategy.

As we said before, engagement is a metric based on building a good relationship with your community, and it also measures the health of your online community and your interest in your business.

Moreover, engagement helps bring users into action and make them move to convert.

Engagement and Social Networks

Engagement is very easy to measure in social networks.

You just need to count your interactions: likes, comments, and shared publications among other measurement methods.

The three most important social networks for engagement are the ones used worldwide: TwitterFacebookand Instagram.

These networks are very much alike, although they have their way of measuring engagement:

  • Likes and shared publications represent the popularity level our publications have achieved.
  • Followers represent the level of trust our brand has, as it’s real people interested in reading more content in the future.

Engagement on Twitter

✅ Retweets

✅ References

✅ Hashtags

✅ Number of followers

✅ Number of likes on every tweet

➡️  Click here to learn more about engagement on Twitter ⬅️

Engagement on Instagram

When talking about engagement on Instagram, we don’t refer to the number of followers you may have, but to how they’re involved in your publications.

Having more followers on your account doesn’t say anything about having more or less engagement. On Instagram, we must focus on:

✅ Likes

✅ Comments

✅ Number of video reproductions

✅ Number of story visualizations

✅ Total amount of followers

➡️ Here are more things about engagement on Instagram and how it may help you ⬅️

Engagement on Facebook

This is the social network number 1 and most likely the one that will help you achieve more engagement. It’s measured by:

✅ Likes/ Reactions

✅ Comments

✅ Number of times it’s been shared

✅ Clicks

➡️  There’s more information on this link about engagement on Facebook and how it can help you ⬅️

The number of likes and shared publications indicate the popularity your publications have reached, although your followers will also help you get data because, as they’re people interested in the content of your brand and its growth throughout the future, they will provide you their grade of faith in the brand.

Engagement on LinkedIn

In this social network, these data are used to analyze your engagement:

✅ Comments
✅ Likes
✅ Clicks
✅ Impressions

➡️ Here you have more information about LinkedIn engagement ⬅️

Social Media Engagement Tips

Finally, here you have some recommendations to improve your engagement:

Engage with your users 

Your users must never be ignored. Answer all the messages, and let them know you’re taking your time to give them an answer. The answers mustn’t be standard, they have to be personalized and in the context you’re talking about.

A brand must always seek a dialog with its followers. Don’t wait to have them talk first. Why don’t you ask about their opinion? Questions are good to stimulate engagement among your followers. The content must be designed to create new conversations.

Let users promote your brand

A simple way of doing this, if you’re active on Instagram, could be for instance having your followers mention you or using a hashtag with your brand to present the product or service.

Another easy and useful way is using the existing content of your users and publishing it on your profile. It generates trust.

Create a defined personality

Your users will have a better feeling about your brand if they feel that they are talking to a real person. It’s important for you to always have a consistent conversation and image.

The conservations need to be natural, don’t let the users have the impression you’re constantly trying to sell them something.

Post valuable content

Your users are expecting to read something interesting, something motivating and relevant. Analyze the contents your users seem to like the most. It will help you generate new content assuring engagement. 

Contents that turn into links with your users will create stronger communities, pages with more likes, brands with more followers, content with more shares…

Interaction and users’ participation with the brand are what make the difference in a successful page.

Be consistent

Try to publish every day. It will help you to keep you on top of your followers’ timelines and help them to keep you in mind.

However, be aware of not saturating your networks and have your publications translated into Spam as you will achieve quite to opposite: lose followers instead of gaining them.

As soon as a subject goes viral on social networks, use it to attract more traffic of your own. Use hashtags of forthcoming events in your area.

Average Engagement Rate on Social Media

According to recent studies, the average engagement rate on social media is typically around 3%. This means that for every 100 followers, only 3 of them will actively engage with a post. While this number may seem small, it is crucial in determining the success of a social media campaign.

A high engagement rate not only indicates a strong and dedicated following but also increases the reach and visibility of a post, leading to potential growth and success for businesses and individuals alike. However, achieving a high engagement rate is not an easy task. It requires consistent effort, quality content, and an understanding of the different rates on different platforms.

Average Engagement Rate on Instagram

Studies have shown that the average engagement rate on Instagram is around 4%. This means that for every 100 followers, only 4 of them are actively engaging with the brand’s content.

A good engagement rate on Instagram is between 1-5%.

Average Engagement Rate on Facebook

Studies have shown that the average engagement rate on Facebook is less than 1%.

It is normal to have a lower engagement rate on this app. A good engagement rate on Facebook is between 1-5%.

Average Engagement Rate on Twitter (X)

A mixture of studies has found that the average engagement rate on Twitter, now known as x is about 0.040%.

0.02% and 0.09% is a good engagement rate on Twitter.

Average Engagement Rate on TikTok

TikTok’s engagement rate on TikTok is a bit more. In fact it has been found that the average rate is 5-6%.

Calculate Social Media Engagement with Metricool

With Metricool you can know your engagement on all social networks, including LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

By connecting your account to Metricool you can know what is the engagement of your publications or posts and analyze it for periods.

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 17 January 2024


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