Do Hashtags Work on LinkedIn?  

02 February 2024

There has been a great deal of controversy when it comes to hashtags. Some wonder whether or not they actually work, some do not understand the point, and some often overdo it. 

This controversy lies within many of the apps, but what about LinkedIn? Should we be using hashtags on LinkedIn? Do they work and are they beneficial? Let’s find out! 

What Are Hashtags on LinkedIn?

Just Like how hashtags are used on many other social platforms, LinkedIn is no different. Using hashtags allows your posts to be placed in front of new eyes.

By searching or following hashtags users can view your posts without even following you. They increase the reach of your posts and make for a great way to add keywords to your posts.

Do You Use Hashtags on LinkedIn? 

Some of you may remember that LinkedIn did not allow hashtags until the year 2018. Soon after LinkedIn began allowing hashtags, they began pushing users to use them so that they could manually categorize and organize their posts. So that when users would search keywords about a specific topic their posts would populate. 

As algorithms have advanced across all platforms, the need for hashtags has indeed decreased some. This is because, with smart and evolved algorithms, it can extract the subject and reason for posts a lot easier just by analyzing the post itself. 

But should users be implementing hashtags into their LinkedIn posts? The answer is yes to an extent. You should only be using hashtags if the keywords are not already mentioned in the post itself. So for example, if you are talking about social media management tips, you do not need to add this hashtag if it is mentioned inside the text of the post. 

How to Add Hashtags to LinkedIn

There are a couple of ways to add hashtags to your profile, it is on a regular post, a LinkedIn Article, and or on your LinkedIn profile. 

How to Add Hashtags to a LinkedIn Post

If you want to add a hashtag to your LinkedIn post, all you have to do is: 

  • Start a post on LinkedIn
  • Add your media or just type in the text box with whatever content you would like
  • Begin typing the beginning of your chosen hashtag keyword or phrase 
  • Some hashtag choices will then pop up, scroll through and choose your hashtag
  • Post! 

How to Add Hashtags to LinkedIn Article 

To add hashtags to your LinkedIn Article, you will follow very similar directions as discussed above: 

  • Start a post on LinkedIn and choose an article instead
  • Write the contents of your article 
  • Add hashtags and then post! 

How to Add Hashtags to LinkedIn Profile

To add hashtags to your LinkedIn profile, all you have to do is: 

  • Navigate to your profile 
  • Click on the edit page
  • Under ‘Community’, click on ‘Hashtags
  • you can add up to three hashtags that matter to your page that you can see and respond to from the hashtag feed

How to Search for Hashtags on LinkedIn

There are two main ways to view hashtags on LinkedIn. We will explain both of them below: 

  1. Click on the hashtag in a post. If you see a post that has an interesting hashtag, all you have to do is click on it and it will take you to a page where all the posts that also use this hashtag. 
  2. Search Hashtag through the search bar, just type in the hashtag you want to find, click on posts, and here you can click on follow if you want to follow this hashtag.  

According to LinkedIn, here are some of the top trending hashtags: 

  • #innovation 
  • #management 
  • #humanresources 
  • #digitalmarketing 
  • #technology  
  • #creativity 
  • #future 
  • #futurism 
  • #entrepreneurship 
  • #markets 
  • #careers 
  • #startups 
  • #marketing 
  • #socialmedia 
  • #venturecapital 
  • #socialnetworking 
  • #leanstartups 
  • #economy  
  • #economics  
  • #branding 
  • #professionalwomen 
  • #macroeconomics 
  • #advertisingandmarketing 
  • #womeninscience 
  • #gender 
  • #feminism 
  • #motivation 
  • #personaldevelopment 
  • #investing 
  • #jobinterviews 
  • #money 
  • #bankingindustry 
  • #sustainability 
  • #alternativeenergy 
  • #greentech 
  • #personalbranding 
  • #hiringandpromotion 
  • #healthcare 
  • #education 
  • #customerrelations 
  • #highereducation 
  • #productivity 
  • #educationpolicy 
  • #teachersandschoolemployees 
  • #educationreform 
  • #medicine 
  • #whatinspiresme 
  • #healthcarereform
  • #bestadvice 
  • #managedcare

Best Way To Find Top Hashtags

To find hashtags having to do with your industry here are a few ways to find some top hashtags: 

Analyze Your Competitors

Just like many other social media strategies, analyzing competitors can come in handy. For example, check on the performance of your competitors and if you see a post performing very well, check to see if and what hashtags they used to see if you could implement them into your posts. 

Search For Hashtags 

By searching for hashtags, right below the hashtag, you can see how many people follow the hashtag to indicate its popularity. 

Use a Keyword Tool

Using a keyword tool can help you find trending keywords that have good search volume. This means this is a phrase or word that people are looking up frequently. By using this you can discover new post ideas as well as being sure to hashtag the correct keywords that are trending. is a tool that can help with this. By typing in. keyword you can search all the words and phrases people are searching for, choose a few that have good searches, and add them to your posts!

LinkedIn Hashtag Best Practices 

Just simply using hashtags on your posts is sometimes not enough, so here ar some best practices for using LinkedIn Hashtags.

Place Hashtags at the End of Content

The placement of your hashtags on LinkedIn matters. Placing them at the end or even in their paragraph is a good idea. People want to read your post instead of having the hashtags intertwined with your text. 

Mix and Match Niche and Basic Hashtags 

Using hashtags that have to do with your niche as well as more general hashtags helps your post be seen by both search intentions. For example, we will often use #Metricool for our very niche hashtag and #socialmediamanagment for a more general hashtag. 

Utilize Analytics 

Be sure to monitor which posts are doing well and if they have to do with the hashtags you used. Metricool offers extensive analytics when it comes to LinkedIn to help you understand the performance of all your posts. 

As you can see there is still a need for hashtags on LinkedIn, and if done correctly, you can improve the reach of your posts, articles, and even your profile on the app. 

To learn how to better understand the LinkedIn Algorithm, be sure to check out our article on this link below: 

sophie sophie , 02 February 2024


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