Pinterest SEO Guide 

30 August 2023

Pinterest has become a powerful search engine that users flock to for inspiration, ideas, and solutions. If you want to position your brand’s content on the network, you need to focus on your Pinterest SEO. 

What is Pinterest SEO? 

Pinterest users come to the platform to search for ideas, products, or tips, for topics they are interested in. As a business, you need to be aware of what your clients’ pain points are. What solutions they are trying to find, what tips do they need, where do they want help, what trends they are enjoying, etc.. 

By creating quality pins, adding keywords, utilizing hashtags, and other strategies, you can position your content to reach the right audiences. This is the basis of Pinterest and ways that brands can gain awareness. 

As we know, visibility is extremely important across social media. Instead of investing in expensive advertising, there are ways to optimize your profile to reach more organic traffic. 

There are also a few SEO factors specific to Pinterest that you should be aware of. These factors are how the network’s algorithm determines the order in which pins appear to each user.

These include: 

  • Domain quality: The quality of your website, based on the popularity of your pins. 
  • Pin quality: The quality of your pins, based on engagement and likes. 
  • Pinner quality: The measure of your Pinterest account’s entire activity and engagement. 
  • Topic relevance: How the use of the keywords in your pins matches with common searches and topics.

Pinterest SEO Tips 

The following ways are different Pinterest SEO strategies, to help better position your pins, boost sales, and increase brand awareness. 

Switch to a business account 

Creating a business account on Pinterest will allow your brand to access more features, such as analytics, and ads manager. 

If you currently have a personal account, you can easily switch to a business account by heading to your Account Settings on your profile and clicking on ‘Convert to business account’. 

Optimize your profile 

The next step is extremely important in setting up your brand for success. Without an accurate photo, description, and information, users will not be interested. 

On Pinterest, there is an “About” section where you can describe your business, tell your story, etc.. In this section, you can also add popular keywords that summarize what your business does. At the end, make sure to add a call to action, and then add a website to drive traffic to your site. 

Enhance your pins and boards

Just as your profile is searchable, so are your pins and boards. That’s why optimizing your pins and boards for Pinterest SEO will help your content appear in search results. So, what can you do to optimize your pins? 

First, add keywords to your pin descriptions, and add any hashtags that represent your content. Create at least one board before promoting your account, so you can provide users with value. 

Then, when creating boards, make sure these are titled to complement your Pinterest SEO. Get specific based on your niche!

Finally, in your boards, you have up to 500 characters in your descriptions. When keywords are used in descriptions this triggers Pinterest’s algorithm to determine topic relevance. 

Verify your website 

In order to track your site analytics, you need to claim your website. With this, your business needs to own a second-level domain, a subdomain, or a subpath domain. This will help your account become more visible, and reputable, and allow users to find more information about your business. 

Plus, unlocking analytics for your Pins will help you understand what content is performing best, and what users are interested in your business. 

“Each website must be at a second-level domain (like, subdomain (like or subpath domain (like A second-level domain refers to the domain name to the left of the domain extension (the .com, .org, or .net for example). A subdomain refers to a smaller unit of a domain. These subdomains are part of the domain. They’re extensions of the main page. Finally, a subpath domain is one way websites can ensure their sites are structured correctly and all pages, URLs, or products will be attributed to the correct place. For example, back to their UK site (as in rather than their US site (which would happen if they left off the /UK).” 

Create Rich Pins 

Rich Pins are special to Pinterest, but allow users to automatically sync information from their website or blog to their pins. This is only available to users who have claimed their website and have a business account.

For example, Recipe rich pins automatically add in the title, ingredients, serving size, cook time, and ratings, to recipes that you save from your site. The same is true for Article rich pins, and Product rich pins, which include the title, description, and author of your blog post, and accurate pricing, availability, and product information. 

Diversify your content 

Thanks to the possibilities of Pinterest, you can also create video content to switch up your content. In fact, Pinterest’s algorithm prioritizes video content, similar to other social media platforms nowadays. 

Videos are a great way to catch viewers’ attention, create unique content, and share behind-the-scenes footage. 

Now you know all about Pinterest SEO, and some tips you can utilize in your strategy to grow your account and reach new audiences. Happy pinning! 

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 30 August 2023
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